Colibrí™ FAQ
Explore Copan's Colibrí™ system for automated colony picking and MALDI-TOF/AST sample prep. Learn how Colibrí integrates with WASPLab® and PhenoMATRIX®, improves lab efficiency, and ensures traceability. Get answers to common questions in our detailed Colibrí FAQ.
- What is the Copan Colibrí™ system?
- What are the key benefits of using Colibrí™ in the microbiology laboratory?
- Is Colibrí™ FDA cleared?
- What components make up the Colibrí™ system?
- What types of specimens can Colibrí™ process?
- What is the capacity of the Colibrí™ containers table?
- How does Colibrí™ select colonies for processing?
- Which MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry systems is Colibrí™ compatible with?
- Which AST systems can Colibrí™ prepare microbial suspensions for?
- How does Colibrí™ automate colony picking?
- How does Colibrí™ ensure accurate and precise colony picking?
- How does Colibrí™ ensure precision and traceability?
- How does Colibrí™ integrate with Copan's WASPLab® and PhenoMATRIX® software?
- What is the role of the PhenoMATRIX® TAG software in the Colibrí™ workflow?
- How does Colibrí™ fit into Copan's Full Laboratory Automation (FLA) solutions?
- Do You Have Other Questions about Colibrí™ FAQ?
What is the Copan Colibrí™ system?
The Copan Colibrí™ System is an automated instrument designed to enhance microbiology lab workflows by automating the processes of colony picking and preparation of targets for MALDI-TOF identification and bacterial suspensions for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST). It represents a significant advancement in lab automation, aiming to improve flexibility, quality, and process management.

What are the key benefits of using Colibrí™ in the microbiology laboratory?
Colibrí™ automates tedious manual tasks like colony picking for MALDI-TOF plate spotting and AST suspension preparation, allowing skilled laboratory staff to focus on more complex analyses. It aims to improves consistency, standardization, productivity, and enables full traceability when integrated with WASPLab®.
The main benefits of Colibrí™ include:
• Standardization and reproducibility of colony picking and sample preparation
• Reduced hands-on time
• Improved traceability and reduced risk of errors
• Seamless integration with MALDI-TOF and AST systems

Is Colibrí™ FDA cleared?
Colibrí™ has received three FDA 510(k) clearances. It was the first instrument cleared for simultaneous preparation of MALDI-TOF slides and McFarland AST suspensions. Clearances cover its use with mass spec systems and AST platforms.

What components make up the Colibrí™ system?
The Colibrí™ system consists of the Colibrí™ Vision System and Colibrí™ Preparation Station. Key features include a robotic pipettor, containers table, onboard nephelometer, printer and barcode system, and loading/unloading carousel.

What types of specimens can Colibrí™ process?
Colibrí™ is designed to work with isolated bacterial colonies grown on solid culture media. It can process colonies from all culture types.

What is the capacity of the Colibrí™ containers table?
The containers table on Colibrí™ can hold up to 16 target McFarland suspension tubes and AST tubes for the preparation of microbial suspensions.

How does Colibrí™ select colonies for processing?
Colibrí™ can pick colonies based on two methods:
- Manual selection by a technologist using the WASPLab® digital imaging system.
- Automated selection using the PhenoMATRIX® TAG software, which uses artificial intelligence algorithms to identify and select the most appropriate colonies for testing based on the laboratory’s criteria

Which MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry systems is Colibrí™ compatible with?
Colibrí™ is FDA cleared for use with both the bioMérieux VITEK® MS and Bruker MALDI Biotyper® systems for microbial identification. It can automatically seed either manufacturers’ target plate formats.

Which AST systems can Colibrí™ prepare microbial suspensions for?
Colibrí™ is FDA cleared to prepare McFarland suspensions for antibiotic susceptibility testing with the bioMérieux VITEK® 2 system and Beckman Coulter MicroScan system. Other platforms can be validated by the laboratory.

How does Colibrí™ automate colony picking?
Colibrí™ uses advanced robotics, calibration technologies, and digital imaging to automate the colony picking process. Colonies may be selected by the technologist or Colibri may be integrated with Copan’s PhenoMATRIX® TAG software to, automatically mark significant colonies for picking. Colibrí™ then accurately picks these colonies, preparing them for ID through MALDI-TOF or for AST.

How does Colibrí™ ensure accurate and precise colony picking?
Colibrí™ features an advanced vision system that controls pipette alignment and retrieves the colony coordinates from WASPLab®, matching them for accurate picking. It integrates with PhenoMATRIX® TAG, which analyzes digital plate images to automatically mark significant colonies for picking. The synchronization of the onboard nephelometer and pipettor maximizes standardization and ensures the highest precision.

How does Colibrí™ ensure precision and traceability?
Colibrí™ features a triple vision system for precision in picking depth and an advanced vision system for pipette alignment and colony coordinate retrieval. It ensures full traceability from the original streaked plate to the final colony position, with a full audit trail available through an integrated LIS connection.

How does Colibrí™ integrate with Copan's WASPLab® and PhenoMATRIX® software?
WASPLab® incubates and images bacterial growth, while PhenoMATRIX® TAG uses AI to define the optimal colonies to pick for ID and AST. WASPLab communicates the coordinates to Colibrí™ for reliable automated picking.

What is the role of the PhenoMATRIX® TAG software in the Colibrí™ workflow?
PhenoMATRIX® TAG is an artificial intelligence software that works in conjunction with Colibrí™ to automate the colony selection process. The software analyzes digital images of the culture plates and identifies the most suitable colonies for workup based on predefined criteria such as size, color, and morphology. PhenoMATRIX® TAG then communicates the colony coordinates to Colibrí™ for accurate picking, which can further streamline the workup process.

How does Colibrí™ fit into Copan's Full Laboratory Automation (FLA) solutions?
Colibrí™ is a key component of Copan’s WASPLab® full laboratory automation system. It integrates seamlessly with the WASPLab® and PhenoMATRIX® software to provide a complete, automated workflow from specimen processing to culture analysis and ID/AST setup.